Category: Cloud


Analytics on Clouds – why now?

If you recall about 6-7 years ago there was a huge hype of cloud. Everybody was excited by it and not many people knew what it was …same as big data today!! Over the period, some of the corporate applications like CRM and other lightweight applications did move to cloud but nothing more. Cloud was


Enhancing Customer Life Time Value (CLTV)

On the other hand they may be customers whose premium is less but they are loyal and may buy more policies in the coming years. These customers end up giving more revenue and profits for the organization. Clearly premium amount cannot be the only parameter to decide the valuable customers. A comprehensive approach it to


“Analytics-Driven Organization” – The time is now!!

For at least two decades, the emphasis among business intelligence (BI) practitioners, implementers and integrators, consultants, vendors, and others has been on making business more “BI-driven.” Companies have invested a lot of time, effort and money in building datamarts, data warehouses etc. to do away with reporting on siloed systems and creating a single version


Leverage Analytics like Industry Leaders – without their budget!!

It is widely known that analytics can help immensely in various aspects of a business like revenue growth, arrest customer churn, identify fraud, better forecasting and planning etc. If the benefits of adopting analytics are so compelling then, why it is not leveraged by the companies of all sizes? Gartner says that only 11% of